📄 vivimawz
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vivimawz prices
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face-only view of your character! perfect for profile pictures!
flat color: $20
shaded: $30
shoulder-up view of your character! can feature arms and hands/paws
flat color: $30
shaded: $40Make it a (digital) Badge!: +$5
waist-up view of your character! thighs and tails may also be visable
flat color: $40
shaded: $50
full head-to-toe view of your character!
flat color: $50
shaded: $60
Ref Sheet
includes a front view, name of the character, color palette, and up to 2 accessories, items, or seperate views
starting price: $70
contact me via Dm, email, or telegram if interested in add-ons to the ref (more views, items, information, ect). i will provide an accurate price quote <3
extra character: +80% of normal 1-character price
(ex. A 2-character shaded fullbody piece would be $60+$48=$108)
NSFW: +15% of final price